Friday, April 3, 2015

The REAL Reason Iggy Azalea's Tour Got Scrapped

Iggy Azalea's arena tour was postponed indefinitely after Iggy claimed she was too much of a perfectionist to tour without the set she envisioned. Now a professional music analyst reveals the REAL reason Iggy's tour got shut down.
Iggy Azalea
Her megahit “Fancy” turned the Aussie MC into a household name in 2014, but those factors don’t always translate into arena-level ticket sales. A month before Azalea’s scheduled April 14 Great Escape Tour launch, the jaunt was postponed until September due to production delays. While such delays are not unheard-of in the frenetic world of touring, tours with robust ticket sales nearly always find a way to work around them. One industry observer characterized the tour as “a complete crash and burn,” noting Azalea’s lack of multiple hits and a touring history mostly comprising festival appearances, radio shows and several previously booked venues. “There was a big guarantee, a big ticket price and no fan base,” the observer said. “They brought it down because it was a financial disaster.” Promoter AEG Live did not respond to requests for comment.
Jacked from European Tours


Anonymous said...

Ha, we already guessed that

Anonymous said...

She's a one hit wonder point blank period! Her album flopped and her other singles came nowhere close to matching the success of Fancy. Anyone with a brain could see that she is not a big enough artist to headline a tour.

Anonymous said...

If her tea were not high off crack and white privilege, they could have had her open up for Nicki Minaj. Even Nicki having a lil trouble selling out all seats. But she aint had to cancel no shows yet. Iggy is a mess

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